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Siblings & other children


Refereeing Sibling Fights – Pitfalls and Alternatives

Refereeing Sibling Fights – Pitfalls and Alternatives

All siblings argue, at least occasionally, and as a parent it can sometimes feel that you’re constantly called upon to smooth over disputes and re-establish a fair playing-field.  However, it quickly becomes clear that trying to referee puts you in an impossible position as you can never get it right for both children, sibling disputes are rarely clear-cut.

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Sibling birthdays

Sibling birthdays

For young children, a sibling’s birthday can be a challenging time.  While they may welcome the excitement of extra treats and parties, they are also very likely to feel quite envious of the increased attention bestowed on the birthday child.

Children under 5 will often show this jealousy in quite open and obvious ways, such as having tantrums, ripping open or breaking sibling’s presents.  Slightly older children are more likely to feel torn between understanding that such behaviour is unreasonable and yet still feeling quite deeply resentful of their brother or sister.  Even worse, it starts to become clear that despite their feelings, they are actually expected to enjoy the day and be happy for their sibling.

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