We are experienced Clinical Psychologists specialising in working with children and parents. We are also both parents of young children, living in North London. We have known each other since 1998 when undertaking our doctoral training in Clinical Psychology together.
Since qualifying we have both been employed in Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) within the NHS, working with children up to the age of 18 and their parents. This involves assessing and working therapeutically with children and families experiencing a wide range of difficulties from common anxiety and behavioural problems to complex special needs. We have also both worked in hospital settings with children with physical health problems. We have facilitated numerous parenting courses for parents from all backgrounds both in clinics and school settings. Our roles also involve providing consultation and training to other professionals who work with children such as teachers, nursery workers, school nurses, GP’s, hospital doctors, health visitors, speech & language therapists and occupational therapists.
We are both Registered Psychologists on the Health and Care Professional Council (HCPC), a regulator set up by the government to protect the public and ensure professional standards are met.
Follow us on Twitter (@ParentSpace) and Facebook.
I have three children aged 12, 10 and 8 and have continued to work part-time in a CAMHS team in the NHS since becoming a parent. My NHS work has included assessing and offering therapy to children and young people with anxiety, depression, school refusal, Autistic Spectrum Disorders, ADHD and behaviour problems. For several years I also worked as part of a dedicated team treating children with eating disorders. My specialist interest is in helping children and their parents learn appropriate skills for managing and coping with generalised anxiety as well as more specific anxieties such as phobias, separation anxiety, social anxiety and obsessions. I am currently running a CAMHS project providing early mental health interventions to children and young people in schools
I have undertaken post-doctoral training in both Family Therapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.